Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Heart & Mind Knows...

I've known for a long time how good my intuition was, but it has been even more prevalent as I've grown older. Some things are more obvious and some require more time, so I need to pay close attention. Then, there are times when I will dream about something and it's either symbolic of what's to come or it's a prediction/confirmation of what's currently happening. So, it's like the saying: "You just know things before you know." 

Truth, it's one of those words that can either be beneficial towards a situation or detrimental to one's emotions. Regardless, the truth is necessary. There have been many instances where deep down I already knew the truth, but hearing it spoken out-loud makes it that more solid. Regarding matters of heart, that's when shit gets real... And I've learned that you must find a way to accept what is, whether or not you receive the answers or closure you deserve. You must find that peace within yourself, so that no matter what happens, you can forgive for your sake and move forward. 

I've been very fortunate to have people in my life that were honest and had the heart to tell me the truth and were up-front. I'm grateful for the lessons, experiences and memories that I will hold close to my heart. As I've mentioned in my last post, this year may not have gone how I expected it to, but it has truly brought me a new-found perspective that I can and will continue to get through what life throws at me. There's still SO much to discover and I look forward to what the end of this year has, as well as, what 2021 has instore for me. 

I'm so grateful to God to have hope, strength and resilience to keep going even when it gets tough. This year has been a constant reminder to fully release, trust and allow Him to work. "Let go and LET GOD!" 🙏🏽

I hope everyone stays safe and has a fabulous week!

With love,

Sharon ♥️

     Here are a few encouraging thoughts that I'd like to share from kind souls that speak to my heart:

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