Friday, April 3, 2020

Remember Me This Way

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all safe and staying in as much as possible. I just wanted to express the heaviness in my heart from the loss of a sweet and dear childhood friend of mine, earlier this morning. He passed away due to complications from the virus, as well as, other serious health issues. I cannot imagine the immense panic, worry and pain of losing a child, parent or other family member. And you can never expect that the last conversation with that person would be the very last... My heart truly goes out to his parents during this extremely difficult time. 😔

He always dreamed of true love and growing old with someone... It truly breaks my heart that he will never get to experience that in this lifetime. He was always so self-aware, willing to learn and understand all of the complexities of life and had such a big heart. That guy knew how to write... I would find myself sometimes, having to take my time and respond in sections due to the extensive content (they were like essays, guys!) But, I loved how he would always remind me to take as much time as I needed to respond and even if I didn't get to, he was grateful to have some sort of outlet to vent anything weighing on his heart. I'm really going to miss his child-like innocence, his patience, for always wanting the best for me and those he cared for.

My girls and I were reminding one another that from now on, once someone comes to mind, reach out! Life is way too short! We need each other more than ever, so please if you can find some time during your day to contact someone, please do! Whether it's a text, call, email, or an old-fashioned letter by mail, do it! You never know how much that ONE kind gesture can encourage someone on this journey. Be more loving. Be more kind. Be more patient and embrace your present. 💕

I'm quite emotional today and had a good cry in the shower, but I know that I'll get through this and that I can hold onto the goodness in this life. I cherish people like him in life and I hope he knew how loved he was. We need more gentle souls in this world. I love you, Kris! Rest well, my friend. 💔

With Love,
Sharon 💙

P.S. this song immediately came to mind today, so feel free to give it a listen when you can. I started singing it to myself and couldn't help, but break down into tears. My heart truly aches today, but I trust that one day I will see him on that great morning. 🙏🏼

RIP Kris 🌻

Remember Me This Way - Jordan Hill (Casper 1995)


  1. Love you hun! Hold on tight to those memories♥️���� Praying for you and all his loved ones throughout this very difficult time

    1. Thank you so much hun! I appreciate you taking the time to read what's on my heart. That means a lot, so thanks again for the love and support!
