Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"From This Moment..."

"How does a moment last forever? How does a story never die? It is love we must hold onto, never easy but we try..." 🌹

Ugh, that song never fails to tug at my heartstrings, especially the beautiful rendition Celine Dion did a couple years ago. I must warn you though, perhaps don't listen to it while on public transportation or else you could end up randomly bursting into tears. πŸ˜…

Hello my darlings! 🌸🌸🌸🌸

It's officially Spring and yet this NYC weather is still trifling... You never know whether to wear a hoodie, a denim jacket AND a scarf or a bubble coat and run the risk of dying from heatstroke by the afternoon. Anywho, I hope everyone's quarter has been peaceful, positive and productive so far and if not, I pray that things will settle down soon. πŸ™

I wanted to express what's been on my heart and mind these last few days... Do any of you believe in "soulmates" or "twin flames"? What about "perfect timing" or the concept of "meant to be"? I'd like to believe that there is someone for everyone, but I do think that it really depends on not only who you choose to build with, where or when in your life you decide, but why? I'm a big believer in timing, yet also in the ability to change your fate. 🌟

Have you ever met someone and it just felt right? As if something just hits you out of the blue, whether through conversation, a look or a touch and it just "clicks." I don't really believe in "love at first sight" but I do believe in that "click." Everything just flows so effortlessly. Your mind is spinning and you don't even realize that you've been holding your breath... Their voice, their scent, their demeanor, their vibes are just illuminating. You're creating a moment from a spark. A memory. ✨

"Go on, go on leave me breathless..." When you dream of it and it somehow manifests into reality... It's like that saying of how you've always pictured it, but are never quite prepared for it... 😌

It's almost magical in a way, is it not? ✨πŸŒŸπŸŒ πŸŒ™

I don't know about you, but I think we all deserve some magic in our lives... 🌠

With Love,
Sharon πŸŒ™

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