Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cheers to New Beginnings

Guys, it just hit me that the year is basically over... 👀

A few weeks ago, I even admitted to one of my girls that I cannot believe that it's "Christmas-time" and that it feels as if Summer just came and went... 👋 Anywhooo, so much has happened and I'm sure there's more to come in this new year of 2020. (It's kinda crazy to think about...) I'm actually really excited for a new decade, it almost feels like being given the opportunity to write and witness a new chapter. ✍

I recently got back into the habit of writing more and noticed that it's done a tremendous job at alleviating whatever has been weighing on my heart. I may not cry very often (I always joke about needing to schedule one in...) but, being able to find healthy ways to calm my mind and help me decompress works just as well. Art or other forms of creativity has always been my biggest vice, especially since childhood. You could find me in the corner drawing with jumbo crayons, shamelessly singing Celine Dion or the Spice Girls, dressing up in costumes/outdated clothes from yesteryear or daydreaming of being a Disney princess. 👸

I've realized that life really does have a way of surprising you and you can either accept that or change course. I may not always enjoy change, but I've learned that I'm able to adapt to what's occurring around me and thus, shifting my perspective to see the good and find the lesson. I'm far more capable than I realize which means that I'm stronger and resilient than I appear. I'm the type of person that will view a detour as a blessing in disguise. I'm a big believer in timing and all that's meant to be, will be. And no, I'm not saying to deny your emotions or avoid them. I'm all for embracing your emotions and taking time for yourself to relax, heal and refocus.  #selfcare 🍵

I want to open myself up to the possibilities! No more hiding behind my work, my hidden talents or that feeling of lack, unworthy of good things, as well as, hiding and shielding myself from "real love" out of fear of: failure, the unknown or another heartbreak. My heart has been through far more than I could have possibly imagined and it's insane to think that it can endure so much more... I always remind myself that I am not what has happened to me and that I, too, deserve a chance at happiness. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that my time isn't up yet, so I'm ready for what magic is in store. ✨

May you all have an abundant and magical holiday! I pray that your new year will be prosperous and rewarding for your well-being.

With love,
Sharon 💕

My current BFF. ✍


Hello, it's me. 💖

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