Wednesday, March 18, 2020

"Social Distancing" An Introvert's Bliss (or Hell)

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and spending time with their loved ones (if possible) during this crazy time. I'm sure extroverts are kinda losing their minds out there, but as a self-proclaimed introvert, try to pause, slow down and look on the bright side of things. 👀

Think of all the things you can accomplish with this time of seclusion... When was the last time you took time for yourself? Have you tried a new recipe? Why not bake that dessert that you've been dying to try out thanks to endless baking tutorials on Youtube? 🍰 Grab that book that's been sitting on your desk for months. 📚 If you're feeling anxious or worried about x-y-and-z (hello, it's me!) perhaps text, call or Facetime someone important to you and vent or maybe grab one of your many journals and write to your heart's content! And if you must cry, let those tears fall and decorate your pages. 📝 Try to find a healthy outlet to release anything that's beyond your control or to simply just breathe. I'm sure that we could all use a rejuvenating nap. Sometimes, the best way to recharge is to not do, but be still. 😌

I'll admit that I'm scared at times... Scared of unexpected changes, scared that I may not say or do the right things, scared to open up my heart and be vulnerable, scared that I won't have enough time, scared that my hopes and dreams feel so far-fetched or nearly impossible and scared that maybe I'm just so focused on the future, that I end up running from my present self... 😔

I read something earlier today and noticed that it fit exactly not only how I’ve been feeling, but how my thought process has shifted as I’ve grown older: “Breaking out of old thought patterns and finding refreshing ways to express yourself are also things to aspire to... Of course, that means risking being wrong or saying something that not everyone will agree with. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO TAKE THAT RISK, even if it means making a strong impression that you’re worried will come across as too bold. Have courage to speak your mind and see things in a new light. GROWTH REQUIRES CHANGE.” Can I say that I felt attacked yet heard? 👀

Trust me, despite my calm demeanor, I'm a clam of worry. I worry about others, their tone of voice, their change in behavior, reading too deep into shit and ya girl manages to find a way to worry before there are even things TO worry about, so how do ya'll think I'm doing now?! I'm an acrobat at jumping to conclusions. 😧😩

But, all is well... I woke up this morning. I'm ingesting way too much tea and carbohydrates. I've managed to wash my hair with one hand (burned my left hand earlier this week, so please be careful in the kitchen guys!) and type up a fresh post. Baby steps... 🙌

Who knew that turning 28 would not only change how my mind and body operates, but also how much I've been self-reflecting?! Ya girl is tired. She's emotionally drained... 🍵

Anywho, feel free to leave me comments on your thoughts and how you guys are handling things during this hectic situation. Take care my darlings! Stay hydrated, get some well-deserved rest and take your Vitamin C!

With Love,
Sharon 🌙

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