Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I Learned The Truth At 17, Learning More Truth Entering 27...

Hello my darlings! I know that it's been ages since I've posted, so my sincerest apologies, but I figured it's time to get out of my head, pour out my heart/mind/soul and just start again... 😌

AND on that note... Guys, it's my 'Birthday Month!" πŸ‘ΈπŸ» There are 3 days left until my birthday and I have quite mixed feelings about it... Am I nervous about transitioning into my late 20s? A bit. Am I scared? Not exactly. Am I a combination of anxious-rumbly-in-my-tumbly-excited and also, looking forward to what's ahead? Oh, absolutely! πŸ‘€πŸ˜…

I recently had a discussion with one of my girls and we both acknowledged that within our close-circle, we've all been going through this trying season or going through a bit of a "funk". Like we're all trying to find our way with our goals, our dreams, our desires and our fickle plans. I know they say there's always time, but also the proverb that states: "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring," comes to mind. The reality of the matter is, tomorrow really is not always promised. Think of all of the people that may have had plans for today, but did not make it... Think of those that may have wanted a different life for themselves, but the circumstances did not work in their favor. And that can happen due to an accident, peer pressure or by simply taking an alternative route... πŸ’¬

I think sometimes we may be hesitant to dwell in the present because the future seems so much more promising or sometimes we may want to drown in our present out of fear of the unknown, fear of what's to come... The fact that I've been a planner most of my life, it almost feels quite liberating in a way to release control over things that I cannot change. Practicing the concept of "letting go" is really difficult at times. I'm sure most of us would prefer everything done "our way" and on "our time-frame." But I guess that's the thing, huh? Life may not always be fair, but it sure finds a way of working out somehow. I do believe that everything has a purpose and that God does have a sense of humor. Most of us are just so wound up with our selfish, pity-parties that we sometimes fail to see it's all on His timing. I don't know about you, but I would much rather embrace the delays/the wait, if I know that God will never disappoint me the way I, other people or the world has. πŸ™

Pardon the intense self reflection, but I needed to clear my mind and prepare for the new year. I must get ready for this next chapter in my life. I hope you all may find such peace. πŸ’ž

With Love,
Sharon πŸ’–

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