Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Just Tea for Two, Two for Tea...

Hey everyone!

I thought that I would go on here and discuss a bit about shadiness, lack of transparency and how problematic lurking can be... πŸ‘€πŸ˜ I mean, how many of us can raise their hand and admit that they've done SUCH a good job at snooping that they came across way too much information after going down the rabbit hole? πŸ™‹ Like should we be hired as private investigators? Probably, but I digress.

Anywho, let me indicate a small disclaimer that I will not reveal any names in these incidents, but feel free to fill-in the blanks or even share similar situations/experiences in the comments below. I'd love to sip tea along with you all! 🐸🍡

I'm sure that most of us are aware of this whole "side-hoe/chick/dude" epidemic and for those that willingly participate, God-speed to you... But, for the rest of us that want something real and have ever felt like we may have met the right person, so all seemed peachy, but suddenly you can't sleep, then begin to over analyze past conversations or situations and start to connect the dots at 2am, one can't help but want to scream or possibly commit a homicide (but, that would be far too extreme.) πŸ˜‡

Oh and for the ones you meet that give you the classic line of: "I'm not ready for a serious relationship right now..." But, neglect to include: "Oh, but you can't see other people though and I hope that you remain loyal to me while I go sow my royal oats with other females that fit my type/fetishes/needs" or "I'll offer you the bare-minimum just to maintain access to you in case I need you back in my life (once I get my shit together), but I don't want anything serious with you right now, but you have no right to get upset because we're not even together, but I'm allowed to get possessive and jealous if another guy even looks at you or tries to communicate with you." If that's not a serious case of male brain-damage, then I don't know what is... πŸ˜’

And what really bugs me is that some guys may even dote on you hand and foot, proclaim all of these false promises and plans for the future, when in reality they don't even know what they're doing tomorrow, let alone next week... Sometimes it's not even them being inconsistent, it's the overbearing-types you also need to watch out for because they can really mess with your discernment. It's as if you can't even rely on your intuition anymore... 😩

I swear you think that the older you get, the better and mature guys become, but some of these dudes just make you want to go: Dang, what is up with the world today? Why are more and more people so manipulative and selfish? And why are some guys so afraid to feel something real? It's as if when it happens, they end up freakin' out and sabotaging a good thing over their indecisiveness. I'm not saying that all guys react that way, since I actually have had ONE case scenario where the guy was kind and upfront about what he wanted to do, how he felt and I truly respected him for it. We're still friends to this day and he's happily married now. He even offered sound advice as to how he knew she was his person, as well as, why it may take some guys longer to settle down and how some guys are just complete idiots when they meet the right girl. πŸ˜‚

I guess my point is, can the people that want to fiddle every nook and cranny find another person that wants their cranny fiddled AND can the rest of us that would like to build a life with someone, find their person accordingly? I don't think that's too complicated is it? It's not a competition, it's just become exhausting having to start over when the timing is off. Side note: do you believe in meeting the right person, but at the wrong time? Like does time ever work out where both are in a good place and you can decide: "Great! Let's do this!" or is that just in the movies or for those that are prone to luck in love? It makes me think of those scenarios where high school sweethearts drift a part, they marry other people, both become widows/widowers and they reunite later in life. πŸ’ž

It's tough for me to say really, but I have experienced two cases where I thought the timing may work out better in adulthood. Unfortunately, it doesn't always mean "meant to be" it may just be more of a, "nah, this is why it wouldn't work out..." They say "timing is everything" but what most fail to realize is that time is not guaranteed! People change, circumstances can shift and you're not in control of what another person will do if another opportunity presented itself that may be a better fit. I'm at a point in my life where I need to make a decision on whether to stay and let things be or walk away. I'm in no rush, but I'm also not getting any younger and it's not fair to my heart and mind to wait around for a "possibility." I may be patient, but I'm no fool. 😀

Pardon the intense venting session, but I needed to release what's been weighing on my heart for the past 2-3 years and I'm thankfully in no way pointing the blame at anyone, I just hope and pray that more people may be more vocal about what they truly want and to never allow anyone to manipulate them, string them along or take them for granted. πŸ™Œ

Feel free to leave a comment below if any of these thoughts resonated with you and perhaps any suggestions for future posts.

I appreciate the support and kind ears. Enjoy the rest of the week! πŸ’‹

With Love,
Sharon πŸ’–

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