Tuesday, December 8, 2020

It Wasn't The Best Year, But At Least I Have Me

This year has been one hell of a roller coaster... I'm not angry, but I can admit that I am frustrated at times. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm sure many of us have felt that way when things didn’t go as planned and are now left to pick up the pieces. People and situations not only can disappoint you, but they can leave you, they can lie to you, they can betray you, they can even use you and you still manage to wake up every day hoping and praying that things will get better, in time. I think this year has truly taught me that people are fickle, plans change and life is so fragile. I had so many affirmations in place last year that I really believed would manifest into this year of 2020. I had so much hope for this year, yet instead I was left with the biggest lesson... You must be ready for the unexpected. Although it sucks, I'm holding onto the faith that what's meant to be for me, will always be FOR ME! Everything serves a purpose even when I cannot see it in the 3D, but I can feel it in the 5D (I can't even begin to tell you how loud my dreams and intuition have been this past year...) I'm overwhelmed with gratitude in the meantime and ready for that plot twist right about now, for He is a God of "suddenly!" Nah, scratch that this is no plot twist! It's MY time! 🙌🏽

If anyone needs to cry, scream, vent, take a nap, make yourself a cup of tea, journal your thoughts, listen to your favorite 80s-90s playlist and dance, then please do. Take this time for you! As I always like to say, never allow anyone or anything to steal your joy or your peace. 🙏🏽

I hope everyone stays safe and has a wonderful holiday in spite of these times! 

Sending all my love,

Sharon ❤

Here are some gentle reminders that resonated with my heart. Enjoy!

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