Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Runaway If You Want To Survive

Does anyone ever get that feeling, that inner knowing that something's coming? Like a huge change or shift is about to occur? You can't quite explain why, but deep down you just know? It's not even anything negative, but you just sense that something is about to happen. You may not know when or exactly how, but your instincts and dreams have picked up on the signs...

Fast forward to a week later... When I tell you that God sees and hears ALL things, believe it! If anyone would have told me that four years later, I would receive extra confirmation about a decision that I made, I might've looked at them like they're foolish. Honestly, it's not even about what I was informed of, but more of HOW it arrived on my lap. The Lord surely sends kind messengers from every corner. The truth will ALWAYS reveal itself! I don't wish ill-will on anyone, but you do not go about mistreating people and end up living a happy and peaceful life. As much I may feel bad as a human being with a heart, I'm also incredibly grateful to know that it could've easily been me! God saved me! He delivered me! He blocked itttttt! I didn't have all the answers those many years ago, but I appreciate the clarity now. And to think that I could've been alone, barefoot, pregnant (with Lord knows how many...) and near no family or friends in the middle of nowhere... Wooooo thank You Father! πŸ™ŒπŸ½

I pray that no woman ever has to deal with a selfish, insensitive, entitled, grown toddler/man-child for a husband/partner. But, I get that life happens and I've always said that if necessary, I would rather come home alive from a broken marriage than in a coffin. Periodt. Life is wayyyy too short to be dealing with such chaos. Of course, it may be easy for us on the outside looking in, but for those of us that have experienced abusive relationships and lived to tell the tale, my goodness... As 90's group "The Real McCoy" once sang: "Runaway, runaway, runaway and save your life! Runaway, run-away, runaway if you want to survive! It's time to break free!" Take care of you, Sis/Bro/Ya'll! 

I don't always discuss my experiences with narcissistic-sociopath abuse, but I'm here to be a voice and hopefully a beacon of hope for anyone that needs it. I'm far from perfect, but I know my worth and it took me a long time to get my glow back and I refuse to allow anyone to dim my sparkle. So, please take time to heal and release any wounds or toxic coping behaviors and generational wounds (that’s a topic for another day! πŸ‘€) Remember that no one can ever steal your joy, your peace or your loving heart. I'm a big believer in "whatever will be, will be" and that “what’s for you, will always be FOR YOU!” We just need to be open to receiving and to make room for the next chapter. I'm still learning, but I know that as clichΓ© as it sounds, the best IS yet to come! My journey is far from over and I look forward to discovering what else is in store. ✍🏽

I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of the week! 

Nitey nite! πŸŒ™

All my love,

Sharon πŸ–€

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